The Playwright Purging Page

The Playwright Purging Page

I have a conceit I've used on all my full-length plays. I add a page of text at the end that is my commentary on my play. This allows me to to share my vision of a moment or moments. Started by Bernard Rice on 2015-01-21 at 09:54 I have a conceit I've used on all my...
The Playwright Purging Page

Removing Clutter

When writing, I've wrestled with how to focus on some things (like a character) and not others. Recently, I read a writing book that said: The focus will be sharp, not because it is narrow, but because it is specific. Started by Bernard Rice on 2014-12-27 at 08:30 A...
The Playwright Purging Page

Parentheticals (questioningly)

When and how much should one use parentheticals when writing dialogue in a play? I've always heard that it's overreach to do so, but a mentor of mine has suggested I use more of them. Thoughts? Started by Bernard Rice on 2014-12-09 at 14:57 So... One of my mentors...
The Playwright Purging Page

What about the non-main characters?

I feel the part of the Soul technique where I’m most vulnerable has to do with supporting characters. Thoughts? Started by Bernard Rice on 2014-04-15 at 23:13 I feel the part of the Soul technique where I’m most vulnerable has to do with supporting characters. I...